Viion’s response to COVID-19

As with the rest of the world, Viion has been actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation and its developments since it began months ago. Likewise, we have decided to mitigate the risk of exposure with respect to workplace health and safety of our employees, their families, our customers and the other stakeholders.

Due to this, we have taken the following measures:

– Only critical operations staff will remain at Viion to assist our customers and to meet their specific and needs during this time

– Non-essential staff will work from home where they are fully-equipped to seamlessly perform their ongoing duties

– Halted all travel, domestically and internationally

– Supplied hand sanitizers, disinfectant wipes and disinfectant sprays within our workplace

– Communicated safety protocols to all remaining staff in regards to office hygiene, regular cleaning of desks, office equipment, high touch areas, kitchen and lunchroom hygiene and frequent washing of hands, including safe handling of all package deliveries

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our clients due to this global development, and we will do our best to continue delivering top service and top products.

Thank you for your understanding, stay safe!

The Viion Team

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